Certification in Integrative Acupuncture Physical Medicine


  1. Classes: didactic, practicum/review, case conference/grand rounds, and lab.

    1. Basic Certification: Year 1, 136 hours

    2. Advanced Certification: + Year 2, 114 hours, for a total of 250 hours. 

  2. Clinical observation: 50 hours. (CEUs not available, arranged by participant, not instructor). The following hours of clinical practice and/or case conferences observing allied, mid-level or doctorate-level health professionals are required per specialty, as follows:

    1. Physiatry or Pain Medicine: 10

    2. Acupuncture specialty in physical, sports or pain medicine or orthopedics: 10

    3. Physical Therapy: 10

    4. Orthopedics, Podiatry, Neurology, Osteopathic, or Chiropractic: 5

    5. Surgery, Urgent/Emergency Care, or Family, Pediatric or Geriatric Medicine: 5

    6. Radiology: 5

  3. Case report: submssion and peer review of one written physical medicine case (4 CEUs available though completion of Module 13A)

  4. Passage of written and practical exam. (CEUs not available). Examination fee of $100 is not included in program tuition and is due by the day of the exam.

Total didactic and observation hours required for Advanced Certification in Integrative Acupuncture Physical Medicine: 300

Continuing education: 8 hours/year in acupuncture orthopedics, sports, pain management or physical rehabilitation medicine is required to maintain certification. (Courses from other providers may be accepted based on review of course content and learning objectives.)

View Class Schedule and Register


For more information, please contact us at:

(800) 499-1438
