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Module 1
Essentials of Integrative Acupuncture Physical Medicine and
Basics of Shoulder Injuries and Pain
March 7-8th, 2015
9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
16 Category 1 CEUs approved by California Acupuncture Board
at 200 Seventh Ave., Santa Cruz CA
Course Content:
This class will cover essentials of an integrative approach to acupuncture physical medicine.
Shoulder pain and injuries will serve as a common condition to illustrate theory, principles and techniques of integrative acupuncture evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.
Overview of Integrative Acupuncture Physical Medicine
Integrative (East-West and bio-psycho-social) models of chronic pain and healing.
Jing-luo theory and tissues in AOM, and their relationships to patho-anatomy and -physiology of injuries and pain
Peripheral nerves and central nervous system
Pathologic fibrosis/scar tissue
Anatomical kinesiology and 6-meridian theory: how the body moves and maintains stability, in health and disease
The degenerative cascade: Eastern and Western natural history
Evaluation and Diagnosis of Injuries and Pain
History-taking for injuries and pain: objectives, challenges, and general procedures
Key questions for assessing risks, urgency and severity
Physical examination for injuries and pain: objectives, challenges, and general procedures
Inspection, vitals.
Active range-of-motion.
Passive range-of-motion/joint play/end-feel.
strength, sensory, and reflex testing.
Diagnosis/pattern identification in integrative acupuncture physical medicine; identifying root and branch.
Treatment Goals, Principles and Modalities.
Indirect vs. direct approaches to acupuncture treatment
Making distal acupuncture work for musculoskeletal pain
Neuro-anatomical needling (“dry/ trigger-point/ prolo-” acupuncture)
Basics of electro-acupuncture
Manual therapies, gua sha, cupping
Basics of Shoulder Injuries and Pain
Clinical anatomy of the shoulder
Key diagnostic issues
Identifying urgent/serious conditions; ruling out the neck as a contributor
History-taking for shoulder injuries and pain: key questions
Physical exam of the shoulder
Inspection, surface anatomy and palpation
Active range of motion
Passive range-of-motion and joint play/end-feel
Strength testing
Special orthopedic tests
Documenting normal and abnormal findings for the shoulder
Introduction to diagnosis and treatment for the shoulder
Gua sha, cupping, 7-star needling
Treatment of shoulder tendonitis, bursitis and impingement with acupuncture/electro-acupuncture.
Correcting posture and ergonomics
Exercises and taping techniques
Further evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of shoulder conditions will be covered in:
Module 2: Cervico-Thoracic Spine, Thorax, Shoulder Girdle, and Tempero-mandibular Joint
March 28-29, 2015
All classes will be held at 200 7th Ave., Santa Cruz CA, 95062