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How to dispose of Rx drugs you don’t want

The American Academy of Pain Management is sponsoring “National Take-Back Day” on April 30: a way to safely reduce the dangers associated with unused medications in the home. Read on for more information and to find a drop-off location nearest you:

“The American Academy of Pain Management supports efforts to eliminate unused medications from the home.  On April 30, 2011, the DEA, in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies, in conjunction with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, will sponsor its second National Take-Back Day.  At their first such day last Fall, total collections of unused drugs topped 121 tons.

Studies have indicated that home medicine cabinets are a major source of medications, especially controlled substances, that are misused, abused, or diverted.  This is especially true for the youngest users, typically those in their teenage years.  In the interests of public safety, the Academy feels it is in the best for unused medications to be disposed of in a safe and environmentally-friendly manner.  National Take-Back Day events represent such an opportunity.

Patients may take any unused medication to the designated drop-off site and give it to the individuals staffing the site.  No questions will be asked about the source of the medication, and no attempts are made even to identify the specific medication at that time, so there is no reason for anyone to fear that they will become the subject of an investigation if they participate.

To locate your local drop-off site, please see the following website:

Thank you for supporting this important activity.


Bob Twillman, Ph.D., FAPM
Director of Policy and Advocacy
American Academy of Pain Management
913-205-3746 (cell)