Author Archives: scac_admin

Module 2

Cervico-thoracic Spine and Thorax, Shoulder Girdle and Tempero-Mandibular Joint

March 28, 2015

9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. (16 CEUs pending)

at 200 7th Ave., Santa Cruz CA


Day 1: Cervico-thoracic spine and thorax.

  • Clinical anatomy and patho-anatomy and relationships to AOM jing-luo

  • The degenerative cascade in the spine: eastern and western

Diagnostic priorities: identifying/ruling out

  • Urgent/serious medical conditions: stenosis, infection, fracture, tumor, radiculopathy

  • Contributing factors

  • Motion dysfunctions
  • AOM meridians and patterns

History-taking for cervico-thoracic spine and thorax: key diagnostic questions.

Physical exam of the cervico-thoracic spine and thorax.

  • Surface anatomy, inspection and palpation

  • Active range-of-motion: measurements, diagnostic significance

  • Upper motor neuron and upper extremity reflex, sensory, and motor exams

  • Documenting normal and abnormal findings

Diagnosis, pattern identification and treatment planning for cervico-thoracic spine and thorax.

  • Sprains/strains, postural and motion dysfunctions, and myofascial pain

  • Occipital neuralgia and cervicogenic/tension headaches
  • Disc injuries, degeneration/spondylosis, radiculopathy, and central stenosis

  • Intercostal sprains/strains

  • Brachial plexopathies and thoracic outlet syndrome


Day 2: Shoulder Girdle and Tempero-Mandibular Joint.


Shoulder girdle clinical anatomy and patho-anatomy and relationships to AOM jing-luo for the acromio-clavicular, gleno-humeral, scapulo-humeral, and sterno-costal joints

Diagnostic priorities: identifying/ruling out

  • Urgent/serious conditions: tumor, infection, fracture, tears, dislocations

  • Joint hypermobility

  • Contributing factors

  • AOM meridians and patterns

History-taking for shoulder girdle: key diagnostic questions.

Physical exam of the shoulder girdle.

  • Surface anatomy, inspection, and palpation

  • Active range-of-motion: measurements and diagnostic significance

  • Passive range-of-motion, joint play and end-feel

  • Strength testing

Diagnosis, pattern identification and treatment for shoulder girdle: joint stabilization acupuncture, manual and exercise therapies, postural correction and taping techniques.

  • Anterior and inferior gleno-humeral hypermobility and DJD

  • Acromio-clavicular hypermobility and DJD

  • Sterno-costal hypermobility

  • Scapulo-humeral motion dysfunction

  • Capsulitis, adhesive and non-adhesive

  • Rotator cuff tendonitis/tendonosus, impingement, and bursitis

Tempero-Mandibular Joint: Anatomy/patho-anatomy, and relationships to AOM jing-luo; history; physical exam; diagnosis; treatment with manual therapies and electro-acupuncture.